Hello again my accountability crew. Every few days I cut the ribbon holding my self belief together, ensuing in a great avalanche of feelings. Not another shame spiral!!
Today I wish I started things sooner, like
1. creating SVGs of “happy birthday” written 30 ways for balloon people to purchase
2. spent any time in the past 3 years actually completing the font making class
3. posted YouTube videos last year
4. thought about Valentine’s balloon selling more than a month from the date
5. my first zine, Violent Sunset (available for pre-order!)
By default, a morning off track is a day ruined and we may as well sleep through the hours of sunshine. Under the power of the moon I can pick myself apart, disgusted by every piece.
These stupid, mean thoughts aren’t even mine! I hate being programmed to self-sabotage.
This morning when I tended to my daily tongue scraping, I gagged on the second go. Unusual. My belly ached with hunger, but also nausea. Falling back asleep seemed the best remedy. I brushed my tongue extra good 👍
Last night I made banana bread, gluten free of course!
Armed with my third slice of banana bread in twelve hours, I fed the chihuahuas and Pretzel extra special tuna breakfast. A few nibbles into my own feeding, I desperately want to fall sideways, face first, into the couch.
Can bananas be too ripe for banana bread? Surely not, because I think my dad recently said those exact words: “Bananas can’t be too ripe for banana bread.”
In the summer I ate a shrimp spring roll that had been delivered from Whole Foods and sat directly in the sun for three hours on my front steps. Now I also know molding bananas are, in fact, too ripe for consumption, even if baked for 50 minutes at 350°.
How annoying to poison myself, yet again.
Gathering the iPad, laptop, planner, sketchbook, journal, two purses and air pods, I’ve snuggled under my blankets. Maybe in a few naps I will have the stomach to leave the house in search of ginger ale.
It sure will make me feel a lot less dumb to know that you, too, have food poisoned yourself. Please.
PSA: When bananas are black and molding, do not consume them.
PS. Can you believe I’m writing you on Monday again?! After reading my sister Madeline’s
newsletters I decided to circle back to my devotion of lower barrier of entry. Keep learning, folks!!
Lowkey very disappointed that my credo 'bananas can never be too ripe' is actually false. I have had some dodgy bananas in my lifetime and made it through unscathed although never moldy ones, so I'll take your advice to heart!